Croatian Roma are captured on the sidelines

The fact that the official census can not confirm the actual number of Roma is fairly clear about the situation of Roma in Croatia. Contrary to prejudices about them as those who "use the system", some of the Roma people also hide their origin that they understand as a strategy to survive, writes the regional portal "Newsletter"

Revisionism and the denial of the genocide against the Roma in World War II became a part of the "media culture" warning of presenting a handbook on the fate of Roma in the so-called " NDH, historian and author Danijel Voyjak.

In Croatia, the Roma population is relatively small and according to the census of the citizens in Croatia since 2011 there are about 17,000. But research by the Office of Human Rights and the Rights of Nationalities of 2011 found that at least 24,524 people are from the Roma population.

The fact that discrimination and prejudice towards Roma in Croatia are everyday is also shown by the information from the Ombudsman's Office and given statements. In fact, 28% of Roma reported that at least once in the year they faced discrimination, and 17% of them reported that during the life they suffered a physical attack only because they were Roma.

When it comes to employment, as many as 44% of the Roma are unemployed, and another 22% have a housekeeping status, that is, they take care of a full-time household.

Housing conditions for Roma households, as many as 43% of them do not have water through the water supply, half have no bath with shower, 73% do not have sewerage, and every desteous household has no electricity.

The average monthly income in the Roma household, regardless of the source of income, is about 550 euros, which is well below the average for sufficient means for achieving basic living needs.

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