
New list of the most powerful passports for 2023: How does Macedonia rank?

The Passport Index website ranks the passports of 96 countries in the world. The United Arab Emirates is in first place in 2023, while the second place on the list is shared by as many as five countries. Macedonia is in 36th place, which is a drop of five positions compared to last year, although the number of countries where Macedonians can travel without visas remains at 130. Of the countries in the region, Slovenia is ranked best with its passport in an excellent seventh place.

Despite the mobility gap, nearly every country's passports got stronger this year, according to the latest Passport Index report.

Of the countries in the region, the Croatian passport is in eighth place, Serbia in 32nd as countries whose citizens can travel to 137 countries without a visa, and Montenegro in 37th place. The passport of Bosnia and Herzegovina is in 44th place.

The Passport Index describes the UK as one of the 'losers' in 2023. Although the UK has seen its global mobility score rise, this upward trend has been slowed by the country's post-Brexit struggle to reach visa deals with EU member states. However, the UK still has visa-free access to 175 countries.

At the very bottom is Afghanistan, whose citizens can travel to only 39 countries in the world without the prior issuance of a visa. Besides Afghanistan, at the bottom are Syria, Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen, Iraq and Bangladesh.

Link: https://www.passportindex.org/byRank.php




Who protects the rights of Roma in the Parliament of FBiH?

No one is talking about changes that would go in the direction of real protection of national minorities. This can be achieved relatively easily, for example, by introducing an obligation for a maximum number of minority members in this club or by introducing a minimum number for certain minorities.

Despite the fact that High Representative Christian Schmidt recently increased the number of delegates in the House of Peoples of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Roma will still not be represented in this body.

The House of Peoples is the most important body in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina for the protection of national interests, both of the three constituent nations and of national minorities.

Even so, the rights of Roma as the largest national minority will not be protected through this House, simply because there will be no Roma in it again, although there is a Club of "Others".


Ljupco Palevski was caught in Turkey near the city of Belikesir, by the Turkish police, the extradition procedure for Ljupco Palevski has begun.

The Ministry of Justice requested from the competent Turkish authorities that Ljupco Palevski be kept in custody due to extradition until the completion of the procedure. "We expect the Republic of Turkey to immediately act on our request," the ministry informs.

This morning (6.12) an official notification was received from Interpol, that Palevski, who is wanted with an international warrant, was arrested in Turkey. The Ministry of Justice immediately started the extradition procedure. After the completion of the documentation and the translation of the documents into Turkish, they will be submitted to the Turkish authorities.

The request for extradition should be signed by the Minister of Justice, Krenar Loga or a person authorized by him. When there is a danger that the person whose extradition is sought will flee or hide, the minister may request that legal measures be taken against that person for the purpose of his temporary detention.

After completion of the procedure in Turkey and after the extradition is approved, it will be agreed when and where Palevski will be taken. For now, there is no official information on whether there is any obstacle to the extradition of the suspect for two murders.

The Minister of Labor and Social Policy in the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia Jovanka Trenchevska: "It is our duty to include Roma children in education"

The Ninth International Conference on Roma Women and Girls and Traveler Women and Girls, which was held recently in Skopje, organized by the Council of Europe and the Government of Macedonia, discussed the challenges, problems and solutions. The goal was to see what progress has been made in the integration of Roma and Traveler women and girls, to share experiences and highlight the challenges that need to be worked on in the future.

"It is our responsibility to create a society in which citizens, regardless of which ethnic community they belong to, will feel safe and have equal opportunities and access to resources for personal development and progress. A society that integrates and does not segregate, a society that unites and does not divide, that is, a society that includes and does not exclude," said the Minister of Labor and Social Policy, Jovanka Trenchevska.

The efforts we invest in improving the status of Romani women in our country, as indicated by Trenchevska, derive from the Strategy and national action plans for the Macedonian Roma, as well as from the special Action Plan for Romani women.

It is our obligation, she added, to take measures and activities to overcome this situation, to include Roma children in preschool education, to include Roma children in education, to care for them in day care centers in order to give them support, but and their parents.

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