
North Macedonia: A total of 1,814,317 voters are registered in the electoral roll with the right to vote in these elections

Today, 2,569 voters will be able to exercise their right to vote in 31 polling stations in DCP where they registered to vote, and whose applications have been accepted by the State Election Commission.

Today, 2,147 voters will be able to exercise their right to vote at the polling stations in 14 penitentiary institutions. All polling stations in the penitentiary opened at 7:00 this morning and voting there will continue until 7:00 p.m.

Up to this point, the voting is going on without any problems.

During today's day, 2 voters who identify themselves as internally displaced will be able to exercise their right to vote in the only center for internally displaced persons.

During today's day, the election boards in the Republic of North Macedonia will conduct the voting of persons who are sick or infirm, and they have submitted notifications with appropriate documentation to the municipal election commissions. 6,935 citizens who registered as sick or infirm will exercise their right to vote in their homes.

Today, 534 voters who are placed in 20 out-of-family care centers will have the opportunity to exercise their right to vote in the center where they are placed.

There is a marked interest in observing these elections by domestic, foreign and international organizations and media.

The State Election Commission has so far issued observation accreditations to 342 domestic, 517 foreign and international observers, 51 translators and 32 foreign journalists.

The website of the SEC www.sec.mk, as well as the pages of the social networks Facebook, X, Instagram and the YouTube channel are available to all citizens, where they will be able to find timely and accurate information related to the elections.

On occasion April 8 meeting of the Mayor of the City of Skopje Danela Arsovska and a delegation of the IRU led by the President Zoran Dimov and the delegate Lucika Tudor

The Mayor of the City of Skopje, Danela Arsovska, on the occasion of April 8, the International Day of the Roma, as the patron of the 12th Congress of the International Roma Union, with great respect addressed the participants from over 30 countries of the world, on behalf of the City of Skopje. congratulations on the holiday and the 53rd anniversary of the First Roma Congress.

Throughout the year, through continuous activities, we demonstrate joint efforts to deal with challenges and act for the needs of the Roma community, as well as all other citizens. Today's day and its celebration symbolizes our respect for the Roma community, which is a significant part of our society. That's why we celebrate diversity and only with joint work and respect can we achieve greater progress for all citizens. Dear representatives of the Roma community in Macedonia, dear friends, I congratulate you on today's holiday", said Mayor Arsovska.

Lucika Tudor, the Roma Queen delegate to the Congress, visited the City of Skopje and as a reflection of her gratitude for the cooperation, she pointed out that she is happy that there are institutions that support and recognize the unique Roma culture. Within the framework of the Congress, as part of the program, the 22nd international Roma film festival "Golden Wheel 2024" is held, where awards are given for the most successful film productions. Only by showing respect to all our citizens, we build our Macedonia as a state in which diversity and human dignity are respected and we aim for a solidary and just state for all of us.

Link: https://skopje.gov.mk/mk/vesti/2019/megunaroden-den-na-romite-2024/



Republic of North Macedonia: Presidential elections on April 24th, parliamentary elections on May 8th: These are the election deadlines and rules

The presidential elections in the country will be held on April 24, and the possible second round will be on May 8, together with the parliamentary elections. The President of the Parliament, Jovan Mitreski, announced yesterday the seventh presidential and the 11th parliamentary elections, which are being held this year in the regular term.

According to the Constitution, the president is elected for a period of five years. The same person can be elected as President of the Republic a maximum of twice. The president must be a citizen of the Republic of North Macedonia.

The candidate who received the majority of votes from the total number of voters registered in the electoral roll will be elected as president. If in the first round no presidential candidate received the required majority of votes, in the second round voting is held for two candidates who received the most votes in the first round. The second round of voting takes place within 14 days of the end of the first round. The candidate who received the majority of votes from the voters who voted, if more than 40% of the voters voted, is elected president. If none of the candidates received the required majority of votes in the second round of voting, the entire election procedure is repeated.

The eleventh parliamentary elections since independence will be held on May 8. 120 or 123 deputies are elected in the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia. One hundred and twenty MPs are elected according to the proportional model, whereby the territory of the country is divided into six electoral units determined by the Electoral Code and 20 MPs are elected in each. Three members of parliament are elected according to the proportional model in a constituency covering Europe, Africa, North and South America, Australia and Asia.

Characteristic of the 2024 elections will be that they will be held on a Wednesday, and voter identification will again be done with fingerprint devices.

As a preparation for holding the parliamentary elections, on January 28 of this year, 100 days before the elections, the technical government was formed, whose president is Talat Xhaferi. He will manage it until the election of a new political government.

A famous anecdote from the insightful Mahatma Gandhi

When Mahatma Gandhi was studying law at a college in London, he had a professor named Peters who felt enmity towards Mahatma Gandhi. But Gandhi never bowed his head to his bad comments which were very frequent.

One day, Mr. Peters was having lunch in the University dining hall and Gandhi came with his cutlery and sat next to the professor. The professor in his arrogance said:

"Mr. Gandhi, you do not understand, a pig and a bird do not sit together to eat." '', to which Gandhi replied, not to worry and that he would fly away, so he went and sat at another table.

Mr. Peters, green with rage, decides to take revenge in the next test, but Gandhi reacts brilliantly. Then Mr. Peters asks him the following question:

"Mr. Gandhi, if you were walking down the street and found a package containing a bag of wisdom and a bag of money, what would you take from it?" "

Without hesitation, Gandhi replied:

"A bundle of money, of course." "

Mr. Peters smiled and said:

"I'd rather take that sack of wisdom."

"Every man takes what he does not have. '' Gandhi replied indifferently.

Mr. Peters, already hysterical, writes the word "idiot" on Gandhi's exam list and gives it to Gandhi who takes the exam and sits down. A few minutes later, Gandhi went to the professor and said:

"Mr. Peters, you signed the test, but you didn't grade me."...

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