
The European Commission responded to the response sent by IRU President Zoran Dimov: "The EC remains committed to supporting the entire population affected by the conflict present in Ukraine, as well as those forced to flee the country, regardless of nationality and half "

Regarding the conflict in Ukraine as well as the events in Ukraine and abroad during the refugee wave in other countries, and the well-known fact of discrimination and segregation of Roma in Ukraine and those who do not have equal treatment at border crossings and accommodation in third countries , IRU and its President Zoran Dimov sent a letter of reaction to the European institutions, including the European Commission on March 2, 2022.

Recently, a letter arrived at the office of the President of the IRU from Mr. Martin Taschner Head of Unit at the Directorate for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid ECHO.

The letter from Mr. Taschner reads, inter alia:

„Dear Mr. Dimov, the European Commission remains very concerned about the dire humanitarian situation in Ukraine and the impact of the Russian invasion on the civilian population.

The European Commission continues to stress that the violations of International Humanitarian Law are unacceptable and indiscriminate attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructures must stop immediately. We share your concerns regarding the possible impact of the current war on minority groups, including the Roma community.

The European Commission remains committed to support all conflict-affected population present in Ukraine, as well as those forced to flee the country, without any distinction. As you know, on 28 February, the Directorate General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations has allocated EUR 90 million to support the conflictaffected population of Ukraine and Moldova1 . This funding is part of a larger emergency package amounting to EUR 500 million, announced by President of the Commission on 1 March2 .

The EU humanitarian aid will allow the EU humanitarian partners to provide food, water, health, shelter and help cover the basic needs. Our support will also reach Internally Displaced People and support cities overwhelmed by the population movement.

The present funding will be channelled through the humanitarian partners present in the country, including United Nations, INGOs or Red Cross. Our funding respects the humanitarian principles of humanity, neutrality, independence and impartiality.

Consequently, it will be provided without discrimination to all those in 1 https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_22_1462 2 https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/speech_22_1483 2 need.

EU humanitarian partners pay particular attention to the needs of vulnerable groups, including minorities, and try to make sure that emergency support reaches all those in need.„ It is said in the letter sent by Mr. Martin Taschner to the President of the IRU Zoran Dimov.

Reakcia taro Netvorko baši akcepcia ko sistemsko thaj savakteskere faisalia baši integracia e Romenge an i Utarali Makedonia ko FB statusi tari i ministerka Trenčevska

An i konekcisa e FB editaciaja taro aktuelno ministerka ko MTPS i Jovana Trenčevska ki konekcia bašo dujdivesengoro mitingo ki socialno inkluzia e Romenge ki Utarali Makedonia kote than lele reprezentoa taro makedonikano Govermento , Parlamento, internacionalno thaj civilno organizacie kote akceptirime tergjola sar naslov: „ Sasti inkluzia e Romenge ko sasoitnipa si savala kote barabutne keraja buti“ -  https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=126701383255471&id=101380972454179


Piri reakcia sine thaj e Netvorko baši akcepcia ko sistemsko thaj savakteskere faisalia baši integracia e Romenge an i Utarali Makedonia

Ki odoja  reakcia mačkar o aver tergjola :




?Konekcia ko 400 romane have ko proceso anglalškolsko edukacia so bilovengoro si an o gradinke si HOVAJBE!

Respektirime dizutne odova nane čače numa si HOVAJBE. Ko momneti nane pobuter taro 200 čhave em majbaro kotor olendar pukjinena participacoiia. Sar jekh egzampli: Sa o čhave ki gradinka 8 April ko Šuto Orizari pukjinena participacia.


?700 stipendie bašo Romane sikle ko Maškarutne škole ko beršeskoro nivelo,

Te vakerel pe kaj dena suporto 700  romane siklenge ko maškarutne škole si baro HOVAJBE soske o numero si but potikno.


?Učo nivelo taro bukjarnipe ko Roma ki themakiri thaj javno administracia thaj Amari them si majanglal ko akava prioriteto an o region si saste HOVAJBE!

Kaste mangena te hohaven, tumende jali amende! Ki themakiri thaj javno administracia ko momenti isi salde 1% Roma ki buti barabutne e Romencar so keren buti ko komunalno kompanie so keren komunalno butikeriba sar higieničaria. Te lipara salde kaj aso i statistika ki Republika Utrali makedonia Roma si 2.6%.


?suporto ko kherutnipa sar so si legalizacia olengere kherenge si kotor taro realizirime resarina kote o ministeriumi barabutne pire partnerencar keren sine buti ko nakhlo period si HOHAJBE!

I legalizacie e kherenge taro o Roma si načačutno suno pherdo košmarencar thaj korupcia. Sa šaj legalizirinel pe numa o romane khera na. Majbaro kotor taro dizjakere šerutne vakerena kaj o Roma em Romane mahale si ko green than kote trubul te keren pe parkoa.

?Ko  avutno periodi hazrkerel pe green em digitalno agenda. O konektiriba e Romen ki digitalno agenda dikhaja le sar vazdiba o nivelo tari I akcepcia ko digitalno instrumentia , digitalno edukacia, suporto e Romane čhavenge ki edukacia ki berza bukjake te šaj resena džanlipa, thaj suporto e Romane pretpriemačen ki digitalizacia olengere bizniseske si HOVAJBE!

Asavke paušalno konstatacie našti te akceptirina olen. Majanglal amen na avaja tari desavi aver planet aps te ovel desavi specijalno programa amenge baši digitalizacia thaj amen da siem akale thanendar em akate dživdinajaem bahtake esapinaja kaj but popukare istemalkeraja I digitalno tehnologia. So legarel pe ki digitalizacia ko biznisi te dćanen kaj baro numero biznisia so kerena o Roma jail si digitalizirime jail našti te digitalizirinen pe. On line kovači našti te ovel.

?Ko umalja taro green agenda o Roma ka oven konektirime ki cirkularno ekonomia ki transformacia e sistemonge ko legaripa e diferentno otpadoa thaj aver resursia ka ikljon em neve opcie em neve bukjarne thana si HOVAJBE!

Ma, ma hovaven amen. Sako drom liparen e Romen kana kerel pe lafi bašo otpad,. Dži kana o Roma ka oven konektirime e otpadea? Odova si stereotipo thaj diskriminacia . Te khedel pe otpad kote nesar odoja buti tradicionalno phanena la e Romencar, a na green agenda.

Amen panda siem pe droma so isi čika, bizo fiundavno elementia saste dćivdipaske, čuče vogja bezo menie, a tumen dena lafia baši green agenda. Sar agjaar HOVAVENA amen!

Ko agor, angleder 7 divesa o Roma palem sine diskriminirime. Akava drom ki kultura. Dali i romani kultura, romani muzika thaj filmi na valjani li lenge suporto? Dali e Romenge na trubul te den pe pobuter love  bašo suporto e kulturake jali amende e Romen nane amen kultura? Si li akava kulturakoro genocid e Romenge? – vakerel pe ko agor tari olengiri reakcia pali kaste tergjon pobuter taro 10 romane NGO, asociacie thaj khedipa.

Mitingo e premierea Zaev e deputatea Ljatifa Šikovska thaj e themakoro sekretari taro Ministeriumi jurisdikciake Muhamed Toči

Ko 19 novembro e deputati taro Parlamenti e Republika Utarale Makedonijake i Ljatifa Šikovska thaj themakoro sekretari taro Ministeriumi jurisdikciake Muhamed Toči sine ki bukjarni vizita ko  kabineti e Premiereskoro Zoran Zaev.

Maškar o aver ko akava dikhiba sine notirime kaj si Prioriteto ko EU integracie em o prioritetioa e Jekhinake taro Roma sačhona ki agenda e Govermentoske tarui Republika Utarali Makedonia.

Ko jekh sine akcentirime kaj importantno si em o aktivitetoa sar so si:

Persone so si naevidentirime ko personalno lila

Sistematizacia e Romane sastipaskere medijatoria

Direktorati- Sekretariato so ka kerel buti ko romane pučiba

Budžeto thaj budžeteskere niveloa so direktno jali indirektno akceptirinel e Romen

Romani strategia 2022 - 2030

Džanen sa predizvikia so isi em džana majodoriga ko Jekh sasoitnipa savorenge

Natolerantno retorika prekal partisko thaj etnikano preperutnipa

Ko thavdipe taro alusaribaskoro ciklusi trujal so phagel pe sine o alusaribaskoro traiba ko socialno netvorko dominirinel sine em I natolerantno retorika.

Ko Twiter si editirimi fotografia taro desavo profile anavkerdo sar Sultana so hulavgja fotografia taro prilepsko Roma so den sine suporto, e dizjakere šerutneske taro SDSM o Goran Sugarovski komentarea: “ Kobro eura si moldime akaja fotografia”. Kontor taro komentaria si “ ciganaria”, “ciganin sam al najlepši”, “ na džanav kobor si moldime I fotografia ama džanav kozom khandela”, “5 eura baši sako Rom”…

Asavke editirime bukja kerena komentatria thaj natolerantno retoriksa thaj etnikano teleperavipa. Buteder droma asavke natolerantno editaciw šaj keren bibaht, te lelja pe o fakti kaj ko Prilep I viktoria legargja o kandidati bašo dizjakoro šerutno taro VMRO DPMNE  a o upreanavkerde persone dena suporto e kandidateske taro SDSM.

O CIVIL akharelka te tromaren keren pea kala politikane tenzie ma te kerel pe revanšizmi upral ni jekh funda ni ppartiskom nit etnikani..


Link: https://civilmedia.mk/govor-na-omraza-po-partiska-i-etnichka-pripadnost/

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