
"Roma for Democracy" Foundation - Roma against corruption and violence

The "Roma for Democracy" foundation requests an increase in their observers during the second round of presidential elections and the first round of parliamentary elections, where pre-election bribery has been found, in places where the dominant Roma population lives.

The "Roma for Democracy" foundation organizes a march against corruption and violence. The "Roma for Democracy" Foundation requested a meeting with the Minister of the Interior, Toškovski, in front of the Ministry of the Interior. 

Link: https://www.mrt.com.mk/node/109020


World Press Freedom Day: Statement by the High Representative on behalf of the European Union

Every day, journalists and media workers bravely exercise their freedom of expression, often at great personal risk. Independent, fact-based journalism helps protect our democracies by exposing injustices, holding leaders to account and allowing citizens to make informed decisions. In 2024, with elections taking place in over 60 countries around the globe, the work of journalists is more significant than ever. On this World Press Freedom Day, we honour their work and courage.

As our eyes and ears on the ground, journalists must be protected at all times, everywhere. The EU firmly condemns all acts of violence, including threats, against journalists for exercising their profession, whether perpetrated by states, organised groups or individuals. There must be no impunity for such crimes, no matter where they take place.

Journalists and media workers reporting from armed conflict must be protected in accordance with international humanitarian law. The EU deplores the dramatic increase in the number of journalists killed or injured while reporting on the devastating consequences of war. Far too many journalists have lost their lives in recent months while bringing us the news from Gaza. Journalists also continue to be at risk on a daily basis as they report on Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, as well as from conflicts in Myanmar, Sudan and elsewhere.

The EU expresses serious concern about the practice of denying independent media access to conflict zones, as a way to control the information space and restrict the public’s access to factual and objective reporting.

Around the world, independent media faces a number of existential threats. More than ever, we must take decisive action to ensure that the media can operate in viable political, economic and legal conditions. At home, the EU has taken a significant step to this end with the adoption of the European Media Freedom Act. This landmark legislation seeks to enhance editorial freedom, protect journalistic sources and improve the transparency of media ownership in the EU.

The EU remains steadfast in its commitment to protect media freedom and pluralism across the world. In defending media freedom, we protect not just our right to know, but our very ability to shape a future guided by truth and accountability.

Link: https://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/press/press-releases/2024/05/02/world-press-freedom-day-statement-by-the-high-representative-on-behalf-of-the-european-union/?utm_source=brevo&utm_campaign=AUTOMATED%20-%20Alert%20-%20Newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_id=320


In these elections, New Alternative is performing with its postulates based on justice, equity and prosperity

In this year's parliamentary political elections, the New Alternative party, for the first time, independently participates with new energy, new people and as a new option where it calls on citizens who believe that by fighting corruption and crime and at the same time as they say: "Together we will ensure a better future, to vote for number 9. Among other things, Nova Altermativa say:

- All together, with one idea - justice for Macedonia, let's unite and fight for equal opportunities, for economic prosperity. Together, let's provide a legal state in which there will be no privileged and everyone will be equal before the laws.

- Macedonia should be a country that will be on the side of all of us - the citizens, a country where order will reign.

New Alternative has five postulates on which all the rest of their program objectives are based, and the basis of which are justice, equity and prosperity. They are confident that by suppressing corruption, all other program projects will simply be implemented, bearing in mind that at this moment crime, corruption, the lack of the rule of law and legal certainty are one of the biggest challenges that our society and Macedonia were facing. .

Otherwise, in these elections, Gege Demirovski, who is second on the list from IE 3, is also a candidate from the Roma community for the list of deputies.

Otherwise, New Alternative as holders in the Electoral Units ran in four IEs.

In IE 1, the president is Danela Arsovska, in IE 2 - Dragan Mitkovski, IE 3 - Irena Vitina and in IE 4 - Ana Tsambuleva.

North Macedonia - Presidential elections - SEC: Stevo Pendarovski 180,306, Gordana Siljanovska Davkova 362,682

The results that the State Election Commission published this morning on its website show that out of almost 100 percent of the ballots processed, the VMRO-DPMNE candidate Gordana Siljanovska Davkova won the most votes in yesterday's presidential elections, 362,682 or (40.08%), with a double advantage over Stevo Pendarovski from SDSM who won 180,306 or 19.93% of the votes, Bujar Osmani is in third place with 120,903 or 13.36% of the votes. She locates the refreshment of the political scene in the results of the ZNAM party, whose candidate Maksim Dimitrievski won 83,787 votes (9.26%), and if he repeats his success in the parliamentary elections - he will firmly establish himself on the political scene.

The small number of Left voters is surprising (41,172 or 4.55% ), which is an indication that the citizens do not demand a complete revision of the previous policies and the search for new directions.

The result of the GROM candidate, Stevco Jakimovski, who won 8,103 votes (0.90%), even though he previously secured over 10,000 signatures to run, also caused many comments.

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Од 5 Ноември 2022 достапен документарниот филм на СП БТР „Небо, Точак, Земја„ на Max TV и Max TV GO со пребарување –Видеотека


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