Vučić's party – SNS, blackmailed the coordinator for Roma issues to provide them with votes: "I only own my vote"

Miroslav Mitrović - the coordinator for Roma issues in Čačak was recently dismissed, because, as he told N1, he did not want to provide reliable votes for SNS in the June elections. That Mitrović will no longer be the coordinator for the Roma public after 17 years is revealed in the statement of the mayor of Čačak, Milun Todorović, in which he thanked him with many words of praise for his long-standing successful cooperation.

However, the progressives did not forgive him for refusing to provide votes in the local elections for the ruling coalition.

"A girl who is a representative of SNS from Belgrade came to the meeting and asked me how many votes I could give for that party, with the names and phone numbers of those who would definitely vote for SNS. I replied that I only own my vote and I can only give my name and surname, write it down and that's it. “I can’t give the names of the other Roma, nor am I allowed to,” Mitrović said.

According to him, he was then told that they were finished.

“I said no problem, we’re done. Then Miloš Stevanić, the new head of the Čačak Progressives, stepped in and said that I was getting paid for that. I replied that I wasn’t getting paid for that, but for something else. Let’s help the Roma, let’s solve their problems,” says Miroslav Mitrović.

He realized that he had immediately fallen out of favor, as city leaders ignored all his letters and requests for meetings.

The new Roma coordinator was first promoted to a new member of the SNS, and then appointed to the position without a competition, which was a legal obligation.



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