Donald Trump was officially elected as the 47th president of the United States

Donald Trump was the 45th and is now the 47th president of the United States.

After it was announced that he won both Wisconsin and Alaska, Trump crossed the threshold of 270 electoral votes and officially confirmed his return to the White House, which will take place in January.

While waiting for the results of five more federal states, Trump currently has 279 electoral votes, and Kamala Harris 223, and until the end of the vote counting, the outcome will not be able to change.

 Trump has already given a victory speech in Florida, in which he said that a golden age is coming for America and that he will end wars.

At 78, Trump is the oldest president-elect in US history and only the second to return to the White House after being previously defeated. Before him, only Grover Cleveland, who was president from 1885 to 1889 and then from 1893 to 1897, managed to do so. Trump will not be able to run again, as US presidents are limited to two terms.

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