Upheaval in French Parliamentary Elections - French voters reject far-right

After finishing first in the opening round of France's parliamentary elections, Le Pen's far-right National Assembly not only failed to secure an outright majority in the second round, but finished third.

The dam in France held - the French guard towards the penetration on the extreme right held. After finishing first in the opening round of France's parliamentary elections on July 7, Marie Le Pen's far-right National Assembly not only failed to secure an outright majority in the second round, but finished third, defying predictions that the extreme the right-wing party will take power in France after the results of the first round. The left-wing coalition New Popular Front (NPF) surprisingly emerged as the winner, Emmanuel Macron's Together alliance came second, and the National Assembly remains third after the last round and is estimated to have won between 138 and 145 seats along with the conservative Les Républicains. Le Pen's party needed 289 seats to win an absolute majority in the lower house of parliament. After the last round she fell much lower than this.

After the latest analysis today, the New Popular Front (NPF) will have 182 MPs, Emmanuel Macron's Together alliance 168, and the National Assembly (RN) and allies 143. If these results receive official confirmation, according to analysts, France will have an unstable parliament divided on three large blocs with very different platforms and no tradition to cooperate.

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