On June 18, Mickoski will submit the composition of the future government to the Parliament

The leader of VMRO-DPMNE and mandate holder for the composition of the new government, Hristijan Mickoski, said today that the official composition of the future government with ministerial positions and the program for its work will be submitted to the Parliament on Tuesday, June 18. Earlier, as he said, the Executive and Central Committee of VMRO-DPMNE will hold sessions on Sunday, where Mickoski will present the personnel solutions for future ministers with their biographies.

Regarding the personnel decisions of the coalition partners of VMRO-DPMNE in the new government, the leader of VMRO-DPMNE said that he does not want to speak on their behalf and that he expects them to announce them themselves.

The future government, said Mickoski, will be composed of the "Your Macedonia" coalition led by VMRO-DPMNE, the "Vredi" coalition and the ZNAM - Za nasha Macedonia Movement, whose leader is the current mayor of Kumanovo, Maksim Dimitrievski. In that context, the leader of VMRO-DPMNE and mandate holder for the composition of the new government says that every week they will present one more promise. "We are planning a very intense schedule of activities in the first 100 days," he said.

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