The US is flirting with neo-Nazis, reads the Kremlin's reaction to Azov's permission to use American weapons

The Kremlin has negatively evaluated the lifting of the ban by the US authorities on the delivery of weapons to the Ukrainian Azov Battalion* (a terrorist organization banned in the Russian Federation), said the press secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov.

Describing "Azov", Peskov emphasized that "these are ultra-nationalist armed units". He emphasized that "it once again confirms the correctness of Moscow's concern regarding the trend of the spread of neo-Nazi ideas in the world".

The Washington Post, citing State Department sources, reported that the administration of US President Joseph Biden will allow the Ukrainian Azov National Battalion* to use American weapons. The volunteer battalion "Azov" was formed in 2014 and since then it has been fighting on the side of the armed forces of Ukraine.

Azov fighters participated in the battles for Mariupol in the spring of 2022. After the surrender in May, in September of the same year, 215 "Azovs" were exchanged for 55 Russian soldiers and Ukrainian politician Viktor Medvedchuk.




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