The parliamentary seat is comfortable: the MPs who will take appanage will cost the state treasury more than 600,000 euros

These days, information came out in the news that the Parliamentary Commission on Elections and Appointments has, until now, approved at least 29 MPs from the previous parliamentary composition to take appanage for a period of one year, which is equal to the salary of the MPs, and it pays the same The Assembly.

Only the appanages of former MPs confirmed so far will cost the state treasury more than 600,000 euros. It is said so far because the deadline for submitting requests for appanage lasts until June 28, and a total of 57 MPs from the previous composition have the right to apply.

In addition to the enormously high salaries, allowances for travel expenses, the buffet that serves at purchase prices and many other privileges, the right to appanage is another proof that MPs are the most privileged workers in the country. In contrast to them, the ordinary worker barely makes ends meet and the few rights guaranteed to him by law are not respected.

As early as 2022, the Left party submitted a law to abolish appanage for elected and appointed officials as well as a proposal for a law to introduce appanage for workers. Both laws were expressly rejected by the majority of political parties, including SDSM, VMRO DPMNE, DUI and others.

Otherwise, the appanage s almost as much as an MP's salary, which is close to 1,000 euros.

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