My perception: Roma politics and chess

Honestly, I am not an expert on chess and its philosophy, but according to my "modest" knowledge of this ancient game, Roma politics reminds me exactly of this game - chess.

It's fair game. One side is black, the other white. In politics it is a little different. There you are already entering the "gray" zone. Chess is not politics, but that does not mean that its strategy cannot or should not be considered in politics.

When a professional plays chess, he or she mainly focuses on what the opponent is thinking. They do it because of one simple fact. Any move, at a given moment, can determine advantages or disadvantages at a later stage. However you take it, chess is played with morality, and in politics, as you know, nothing is moral or immoral.

But what is very immoral, impermissible and unjustifiable in politics is playing for personal gain and not in the interest of the people.

Such a chess party is mostly used by the Roma political bloc. Only in the interest of his immediate surroundings and nothing further. That's why the results are miserable. The Roma political block in the political chess game will mostly serve as cannon fodder - or a pawn.

Most often sacrificed for other people's interests, so that the king and queen remain - untouchable.

Meanwhile, while the world is constantly changing, it is slowly becoming clear to us that we, the Roma, need to change as well. Let's say stop to this status quo, and be ready to imagine the future. We need to know where we are going. We need much more than a useful strategy to decide what we need.

In chess, the elements of a good strategy are making bold moves, taking chances, but also being flexible in playing your role. This is not, perhaps, a surefire formula for success, but these are some basic ideas that are easily overlooked.

Only such a calculation will lead us forward. Because, you know, nobody ever won a game of chess by giving up. Chess is, in fact, also a battle against mistakes.

Ramush Muarem - Cirko

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