IRU congratulates the current MEP Petar Polak, who won the six Roma parliamentary seats in the early elections in Slovakia

Following the record number of parliamentary mandates won by Roma representatives in this year's early elections of the unicameral legislature of Slovakia in 2023, the International Roma Union - IRU and its president Zoran Dimov, sent congratulations to the current MEP Petar Polak for his new mandate of Petar Polak Junior as a member of the Slovak Legislature and at the same time five other Roma members of parliament: Irena Bihariova, Ladislav Bužo, Anežka Škopova, William Tanko and Ingrid Kosova.

This is a historic success of the Roma community in the Slovak Republic, which demonstrated its unity and cohesion in action.

Also, the desire of the Roma candidates for parliament came to the fore and the energy given during the election campaign and success was only a small part of the overall mosaic of the efforts they gave to bring a brighter future to the Roma community in Slovakia.

Let the example of these Roma MPs in the Slovak Parliament be a roadmap and an example of how the Roma community should act in other countries when it comes to the collective interest of the Roma and their contribution to a social and state system.

Let's wish all six Roma MPs in the Slovak Parliament much success in their parliamentary mandates

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