UN: Over 300 million children live in extreme poverty

The information published on the Digi24.ro website can be retrieved, in accordance with the applicable legislation, only within the limit of 120 characters. More than 300 million children around the world live in extreme poverty, according to a new report by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and the World Bank. Although the number of children living on less than $2.15 a day decreased between 2013 and 2022, the effects of the pandemic on the economy interrupted this progress, according to the report, writes Agerpres, taking over EFE. Approximately 30 million children would have come out of the situation of extreme poverty in the last three years if it were not for the disruptions caused by COVID-19, UNICEF and WB analysis estimates. By region, Sub-Saharan Africa is the most affected. Not only do 40% of children live in extreme poverty there, but the region represents an increasing share of the global child poverty figure, an evolution determined by the rapid population growth, environmental disasters and the effects of the pandemic. In fact, only Sub-Saharan Africa, North Africa and the Middle East have seen an increase in the level of extreme child poverty in recent years

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