German government approves dual citizenship law, immigrants will be entitled to German citizenship after five years of residence

German Interior Minister Nancy Fesser said at a press conference that the proposed law would simplify the naturalization process and allow for dual or multiple citizenships for immigrants.

Under the proposed law, immigrants would be entitled to German citizenship after five years of residence in the country, instead of the previous eight years.

For foreigners who have demonstrated exceptional academic or professional achievements and speak the language well, this period will be reduced to three years.

The law would allow immigrants to hold dual or multiple citizenships, which is currently not possible for most of them.

Children of foreign parents born in Germany will be able to obtain German citizenship if at least one parent has lived legally in the country for at least five years. These children will be able to keep the citizenship of their parents.

Chancellor Olaf Scholz has repeatedly stated that speeding up the naturalization process, allowing multiple citizenships for immigrants, will improve integration, social and political participation.

The proposed law needs to be approved by parliament and is expected to be debated in the Bundestag after the summer recess.

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