Reaction from the President of NPR Mr. Gege Demirovski.

I openly ask the institutions of the state, are we Roma, as proven loyal citizens of this state, equal and equal to others? And we are of flesh and blood!


Should we live like everyone else in the country, or should we feed ourselves and our children (Macedonia's future) in bins and fertilizers?


All markets in the City of Skopje are open and operating under normal conditions, and the market in Shutter is closed (arbitrary methodology still in the fog), only 30 minutes after a (non) expert makes a decision.


The emerging pandemic crisis is news to the whole world, not only Macedonia, but don't experiment with innocent citizens right away - justice will come to you.


I call on the authorities in the country as well as President Pendarovski to finally be the father of all citizens and not just individuals, because tomorrow is also a day…


Best regards!

President of the Roma People's Party

Gege Demirovski

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