Deputy Ombudsman Vaska Bajramovska - Mustafa: "Dr. Mengele in the Juvenile Prison, Alarm of the Ombudsman"

"After 22:00, the rooms where the protégés are housed are locked and for any physiological or other need they use a bell, which is connected to the on-duty room.

However, the children said that very often the callers did not respond to the call on time, forcing them to urinate in plastic bottles where they slept and keep them until the next day, "said Deputy Ombudsman Vaska Bajramovska - Mustafa.

At the same time, they complained that they were only allowed to bathe once a week in the winter, and in summer, although the facility had solar collectors, they were allowed to bathe twice.

They do not have a permanent doctor in the institution, and when they are ill, security guards share the therapy prescribed by a doctor at the Health Center in Ohrid.

"The most disturbing thing about the visit was that during the inspection of the children's health records, the Ombudsman found that as many as 15 children had been prescribed 'diazepam' therapy at a daily dose of 0.5 to 20 milligrams," Bajramovska claims.
The rationale for the diazepam dose of over 300kg, which was prescribed by the doctors to these children, is: "personality disorder with low tolerance threshold", "pronounced impulsivity and frustration" and "low social and educational status".


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