Roma Democratic Union - RDS analysis (part one) - Why are Roma fighting for equitable employment in the framework of employment, and not under the guarantees of the Constitution?

The Macedonian (foreign) invention: "Framework Agreement" according to the mentality of citizens in our country has become as a kind of "social" Quran or a Bible among us! Wherever we "lock" the work we "catch" for the Framework and equitable representation. The mindset of common sense is still packaged in our "closed minds" and we do not try to resonate things of a general human character and reason, we are "slapping" it and taking comparisons with percentage representation.

But why are not we guided by the Constitution and its guarantees? Here is an example to look at Article 9 of the Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia which says:

1. Civil and political freedoms and rights
Article 9
The citizens of the Republic of Macedonia are equal in their freedoms and rights, regardless of sex, race, skin color, national and social origin, political and religious beliefs; property and social status. Citizens before the Constitution and the laws are equal!

So we are all equal regardless of everything! No matter what nationality we belong here, we are all the same. Logically, no percentage representation, no requirements for its application, and so on. The Republic of Northern Macedonia needs to give equal chance to all, and not for example, we need Roma to ask for some percentage of administrative representation, perhaps, 2, 3, or I do not know how many percent! It is not necessary to follow this path at all, but the demands to be directed from the basis of the Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia.

Imagine this situation when it would function in some other world states. How much would it sound silly and illogical. For example, in the United States, when the Macedonian logic would be implemented. In the state administration according to the "Macedonian invention of Ramkoven", the public administration would be: Americans 50%, Canadians 20%, Mexicans 7%, Spanish 6%, Italians 5%, Chinese and South Coreans 4% Irish 2% African Americans 6%, Navajo Indians 2 %. Apache 2%, Siouxie 2%, Iroquois 2%, Eskimo 1%, Amish 1% ....

The second point is also interesting. The official and unique official language of the entire territory of the United States is English. And we all know that in the American continent, 35% of the total population speaks Spanish - mother tongue, but he is in the official protocol of us "S" from Spanish, yet America is the most democratic!

Do not ... Parallels have a small million, but what message does it take to get out?
Are you holding the logic? What are we special in order to "double"? But the RDS analysis will continue ... (Continued)

The position of the text is a personal position of the RDS and is outside the editorial policy of the Roma Times Web Portal

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