On Sunday, April 21, for the sixth time, the President of the state will be elected in the Republic of Northern Macedonia

These are the first elections since the Prespa Agreement entered into force, which resolves the name dispute between Macedonia and Greece and the country gets the name Northern Macedonia. Outgoing President Gjorge Ivanov, who opposed the deal, could no longer run because of the constitutional limitation of two maximum presidential terms.

According to Macedonian laws, the presidential candidate can win in the first round if he won over 50% of the votes of all registered voters in the voter list. Otherwise, a second round will be held on May 5, in which the two candidates with the most votes from the first round will compete. The turnout in the second round should be above 40% for voting to be considered valid.

According to the Constitution, the presidential candidate should be over 40 years old and be a resident of the state for at least 10 of the last 15 years. One term for the president is 5 years.

The right to vote in the sixth presidential election have 1,808,131 voters.

In order to monitor the election prospect, they are accredited by the Democratic Institute of Kosovo for nine accreditations, the civil organization MOST for 1527 accreditations and the Citizen's Association CIVIL for 148 acreditations.

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