Only 8% of Macedonians would remain in Macedonia

There is no reason why he would stay. My life has been ruined here, I work 13 hours a day and we are barely surviving, "this is one of the responses of a survey of" "conducted among 1,474 readers.

Only 83.7 percent of respondents would leave the country if they had a chance, and the question of why they would leave, the most common answer is "For a better life".

To the question "If they had a chance, would you leave from Macedonia?" Answered 1.491 reader. Of these, 1,234 (83.7%) answered yes, 123 (8.3%) were hesitant, while 117 respondents (7.9%) would remain in Macedonia.

Germany, Australia, Canada, France, the Netherlands, Denmark, Austria, Scandinavia, Switzerland, Slovenia, New Zeland, Sweden, the United States and the United Kingdom are the destinations to leave. There are also responses in the style: "Further away" where laws are governed and where there is a normal health system and education. "

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