Zaev: Every citizen of the census will be able to tell his ethnicity

Prime Minister Zoran Zaev confirmed that the census to be conducted next year will have a column for ethnic belonging to citizens, although it has previously been announced that this will not be the case, but that they will be able to declare only which language is their native language.

- We have agreed that there will be a column for ethnicity because it is very important for the fewer communities. For example, the Roma community very little or less frequently uses its native Romani language, and if only the language is in the part of the column then it can not bring the true number of that community, Zaev said before the launch of the Operational Plan for Employment for 2019.

From these aspects, the Prime Minister emphasized, as a solidarity of the members of the larger ethnic communities, we made a decision and built a common position to encourage both EUROSTAT and the SSO to have a column on ethnicity.

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