Swastika on Simon's face - Woman fighter for Roma rights around the world

With this derogatory act two days ago on several mailboxes, the photo of Simon Veil's wife, a human rights fighter, was scraped with a swastika.
Such an act can not be characterized by any other ground, but racism, racism that has no political ideology but a crime and evil against humanity.
Who is Simon Veil?
Simon Weil is a Jewish girl born on July 17, 1927 in the French city of Nice.
She and her entire family were deported to the infamous concentration camp Auschwitz-Birkenau, where she lost a part of her family during the Holocaust.
He served as the first president of the Peace Foundation in de la Shoa, from 2000 to 2007, and then as an honorary president. Simon Weil was also chairman of the European Parliament.
A well-known human rights fighter, but also a great champion of the same rights when it comes to Sinti and Roma.
In 2010, Simone Weil received the Civil Rights Prize for Sinti and Roma
The European Civil Rights Award for Sinti and Roma for 2010 was presented to the former European Parliament President in Berlin for her continued commitment to these two minorities.
She died on June 30, 2017 at the age of 89 in Paris. She was buried in the cemetery of French giants with numerous state honors where she was personally and French President Emanuel Macron.

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