The European Parliament called for the protection of Roma rights

The basic rights of Roma remain permanently violated in the EU, the European Parliament said in a resolution adopted in Strasbourg today. Significant obstacles are encountered when accessing this minority in education, housing, the labor market and health care. The EP calls for clearer targets for Roma inclusion and national strategies after 2020, says the institution.

Roma should be better represented in the media, state institutions and political organizations, MEPs say. EP calls for stronger measures to combat anti-Roma sentiment in the EU. The sentiments against the Roma are institutionalized and rooted in the historical form of racism, which is expressed in "violence, hate speech, exploitation, stigmatization" and discrimination, says the accepted text.

The exclusion of schools, access to the labor market, housing and health care are among the main obstacles for Roma in Europe. The EP notes the particularly difficult situation of young Roma, among which the number of those who do not work and learn does not increase.

Lawmakers are asking the European Commission and EU countries to propose clear and binding goals, deadlines and tools for assessing progress in Roma inclusion. They believe that significant public funds and human resources are needed to achieve these goals.

The EP calls for gender mainstreaming and the use of a child-directed approach in the EU's strategic framework. MPs insist on increased participation of representatives of Roma and non-governmental organizations in the development of inclusion policies.

The EP notes the need to protect and promote equal access to all rights of Roma children. There is a call for specific anti-discrimination goals as well as measures for Roma inclusion in environmental and digital society policies.

EU Structural Funds must be used to improve living conditions and future opportunities for Roma, MPs say. They urge EU countries to investigate abuses of assets and take legal action against perpetrators.


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