For 20 years, Muslims will be the most numerous in Macedonia

Muslims will be the majority population in Macedonia in the next 20 years. This is said in a survey by the American Pew Research Center that provides a longer period for this process, and announces it at the latest in the next 30 years in the research - "The Future of World Religions - Projections for the 2010-2050 population growth". According to the research, Macedonia enters the group of countries that will have a different majority in 2050 compared to 2010. In Macedonia in 2050, Christians will be under 50 per cent of the total number of citizens, and the number of Muslims will grow and will be over 50 per cent.

In 2012, 11,995 ethnic Macedonians were born in Macedonia, and 14,823 died in the same year. It is a balance of minus 2,828 persons. The same 2012 in Macedonia were born 8,035 ethnic Albanians, and died 3,416, which is a plus of 4,619.

Will the change, the disappearance of Christians in front of Muslims in the Balkans, happen faster than the announced world trends.

In the Skopje region (the city of Skopje plus Aracinovo, Kondovo, Petrovec, Ilinden and Saraj) 46.5% of the newborns are Macedonians in 2017 and 39% of newborns are Albanians.

If we add to this the babies of the Muslim families of Roma, Turks and Bosniaks - Macedonia for at least one generation, that is, for 20 years, will be a dominant Muslim country and already live what American research has announced since the beginning of this analysis in Europe for 2030-2050.



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