Karakachanov proposes removing the "Roma ghettos" in Bulgaria and limiting the birth rate among Roma

"There can be no two countries in a country like Bulgaria in the 21st century. One of the Roma and one of everybody else "- said Krasimir Karakachanov, representing his congress to resolve the" Roma issue "in Bulgaria.

Bulgarian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense Krasimir Karakachanov prepared the Concept for solving the problem with the non-socialized Roma groups, writes Bulgarian Focus.

"One state is this for people who are forced to obey the laws, to pay taxes, to study, to seek work, and the other part is Bulgaria to those non-socialized parts of the Roma population who consider that they have only rights, and have no obligations, "Karakachanov.

He added that the introduction of a limitation of social assistance is one of the priority points because it is unacceptable to take help who does not want to work, be given child allowance and other means without any restrictions and conditions.

"There will also be compulsory education for the Roma," said the Deputy Prime Minister.

"The Ghetto (of the Roma) are one breeders of illiteracy, crime, prostitution, drugs, low culture and low hygiene conditions. Goat should be abolished and where municipalities will provide land for the representatives of the Roma community so that they can build homes, that construction is done with their participation, that is, with the participation of the future owners themselves, and not receiving anything on ready, which will then destroy it "- suggests Karakachanov.

He also seeks the introduction of compulsory training in acquiring work habits, building centers where these people who missed school and did not get any professional and working habits, can these programs for which huge money is allocated, go there and learn something to work.
He wants to introduce incentives for a limited birth rate in terms of high birth rates. To introduce free measures, such as abortions on the state bill for those women who already have two or three children, proposes the Bulgarian Deputy Prime Minister. His document will be examined by the Council of Ministers.

A large number of Roma people live in Bulgaria. According to the latest census, about 700,000 people reported themselves, but it is assumed that there are 1,000,000.

They mostly live in Roma settlements, the so-called. ghettos, many unemployed, illiterate, with an increased number of crimes. Bulgaria will solve the problem of integration of the Roma population with a new strategy, and this one of Karakachianov is one of the proposed

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