Protocol for Macedonia's accession to NATO signed

At the NATO headquarters in Brussels on 7 February 2019, the ambassadors of the 29 member countries of the North Atlantic Alliance signed the Protocol for Macedonia's membership in NATO. In the following period, his ratification will follow in the parliaments of all member states.

"It was a difficult road, filled with compromises. We waited a long time for you to join us in the family. Participate in NATO missions and fulfill the reforms needed to become the 30th NATO member. After the signing, the ratification process is followed and we have no doubt that it will be ratified in all member states, said NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg.

"Macedonia will soon be Northern Macedonia, it's a matter of days. We have proven that we can solve the problems we face. This will send a reassuring message to the region in which there is still uncertainty. We are ready, we are here, we will assume the responsibilities that accompany NATO membership. I hope for the effective implementation of the ratification, "said the Macedonian Foreign Minister Nikola Dimitrov.

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