RDS responds: "The female wants to" educate "his opponents from Roma NGOs"

In the last period that passed one of the current topics among the Roma, the accusations by the current MP from PCER, Samka Ibraimovski, were spent, according to him, spent 25 million dollars for the Roma NGO sector.

According to the Movement Roma Democratic Union - RSF, this anti-campaign against the Roma NGOs by Samka is a kind of "revenge" against several NGOs, where the majority are from Eastern Macedonia, which Samka sees as their political "opponents" . It was deliberately marked by the replacement of Axel Ahmedovski from the post of Minister without Resor. Then the reactions of most of the Roma from the East Region was great and negative towards Samka.

And now, information about spent over $ 25 million from a Roma NGO, Samka uses as a revenge, with an emphasis on those NGOs from the eastern region. The RDS continues to point out whether Samka thought and knows how much is the rating among the Roma? Does Samka make himself a political funeral for himself and PCER? Does the Female know what rating he enjoys with his coalition partner SDSM and Zaev?
And does Samka drag the Roma NGO to the language and the others to take up their dubious claim of 1 million euros and receive compensation of 800 thousand euros for his Motel "Plavi", who during the 2001 conflict reported that was damaged by military actions.

How realistic is that moment?
What the old people would say, "looking for him with a fight". Does Samka think about the moment for any early parliamentary elections with which a person will appear at those rallies, and in what way will seek cooperation with the Roma NGO sector in the realization of important strategic documents when it comes to Roma.
Does Samka Ibraimovski become a "forgotten letter" in Roma politics? remarked RDS


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