And PIR with their own requests for the future Presidential candidate

The Roma Integration Party - PIR came out with its announcement as "Offer for cooperation" with parties that plan to name their presidential candidate.
The PIR information informs that in the upcoming Presidential elections will be supported by the next candidate who will be obliged and will publicly accept and realize the requests of the PIR, which are:

Inclusion of Roma intellectuals in representing the foreign policy of the Republic of Macedonia at the level of:
- Ambassador
- Advisers ambassadors
- Consul
- Military attaché
- Political attaché
- Jobs in the military intelligence of the Republic of Macedonia
- Two. Assistant Directors of the Intelligence and Counterintelligence Agency
- Employment of young Roma with a completed Faculty of Law, Faculty of Security and other related faculties in the Intelligence and Counterintelligence Agency
- One member of the Roma nationality in the Security Council
- Promoting Roma culture and tradition during protocol meetings with official representatives from other countries
It stands in the letter on the social networks of the President of the PIR - Dr Bajram Berat

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