Bulgarian minister Karakachanov: Roma have become arrogant and we can no longer tolerate

Bulgarian Defense Minister and leader of right-wing VMRO-for Bulgarian National Movement Krasimir Karakachanov urged the Bulgarian government to stop listening to Brussels's human rights activists.

Kacarakachanov was previously known to the public after his hate speech against the Roma who were in the focus this time, when a policeman was an attacker in the village of Vojvodjanovo a few days ago allegedly by a group of Roma.

Karakachanov stressed that "the Roma have become arrogant, and that society can no longer tolerate them" informs the European interest.

As presidential candidate in 2016, Karakachanov conducted a campaign campaign under the motto "Stop the demographic catastrophe". He continuously emphasized the need to stop the "Roma attacks" about "Roma crime" as part of his plan to stop the "demographic catastrophe" and to revive Bulgaria, reports the ERRC.

He noted that Roma in Bulgaria are most vulnerable to Islamic radicalization by all citizens in the country.

Link: http://www.portal-udar.net/bugarski-ministar-karakachanov-romi-su-postali-arogantni-ne-mozemo-ih-vise-tolerisati/

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