Statement by LevFem regarding the latest demolition of Roma houses in Bulgaria: please circulate widely

Anti-Roma racism, ethnophobia, and prejudice have reached intolerable proportions in Bulgarian government, the Bulgarian public sphere, and Bulgarian society at large. LevFem stands in solidarity with our Roma sisters and brothers who are subjected to incessant daily racist abuse, harassment, violence, and dehumanization, and navigate countless forms of prejudice while surviving an increasingly hostile racist, ethnophobic, and xenophobic social environment.

On January 9, Vice Prime Minister of Bulgaria Krasimir Karakachanov called bulldozers and began the demolition of informally-built Roma homes in the village of Voivodinovo near Plovdiv. The demolitions in Voivodinovo are preceded by a chain of similar measures in other Roma neighborhoods for years now.

This is what has become a common racist retaliatory tactic that holds responsible and punishes the entire Roma community or entire Roma neighborhoods for cases of violence or scuffles involving individual Romas, who are then highly publicized in the press in stigmatizing and dehumanizing ways.

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