Minister rejects funding call for Sinti, Traveller and Roma pupils

Children's minister acknowledges young people face challenges such as bullying, but says ring-fencing is not the answer
A Department for Education minister has rejected a call to set aside money specifically to help Sinti, Roma and Traveller children in schools.

Nadhim Zahawi today told the Commons Women and Equalities Committee that their needs were better met through the pupil premium.
He was giving evidence to the committee’s inquiry into tackling inequalities faced by the Gypsy, Roma and Traveller (GRT) communities.

The children's minister told the MPs: “We need to be honest with ourselves that, in terms of attainment and progress, things have remained relatively flat, so there is a lot of work we need to do.

“I don’t think we are sitting here saying to you we are high-fiving each other saying that the work is done.”

Labour MP Sarah Champion raised concerns that schools might not use their pupil premium funding to help children from GRT communities.

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