First place at the "Karposh has talent" event for Roma students from "Avram Pisevski" OOU

Yesterday evening in the Skopje Drama Theater, the Municipality of Karposh realized the manifestation "Karposh has talent" on the occasion of the days of the Municipality of Karposh. At this event, as one of the 10 schools from the municipality, the elementary school "Avram Pisevski" took part with a musical performance.

 The students from this school performed with the composition "Chae shukariye" which they prepared under the mentorship of Music Education teacher Sladjana Chekichevska and Roma Language and Culture teacher Dzhevrije Fasljii and special education teacher Marijana Grchevska Chadikovska.

The students performed this item wholeheartedly and were awarded First Place as the best item and performance of the event.

Winning the first place is a great joy and incentive for all students and employees of OOU "Avram Pisevski".

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