ARBICM announces a call for training of "Pedagogical assistant for children students in primary education"

Within the framework of the implementation of the "Pedagogical assistant for students in primary education" program, which aims to train candidates for successful work with primary education students who show lower success in learning in the direction of providing assistance for enrolling students in primary education and in teaching students in primary education to master the school material, and in that context the Association of Roma Business Information Center in Macedonia - ARBICM announces a call for candidates - visitors to acquire a diploma for this standard occupation - "Pedagogical Assistant".

  Otherwise, in the conditions of the standard of occupation "Pedagogical assistant" in the program itself, there are general conditions for future visitors and they are as follows:

– Diploma for completed secondary education of at least four years (Vocational technical schools, Economic or legal fields, or General high schools)

– Knowledge of working with a computer

- To be older than 18 years.

- To be a citizen of the Republic of North Macedonia

- CV and contact number

All documents should be sent to e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. no later than 26.05.2023.

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