The Roma children's music festival "Chavorikano suno" - "Children's Dream 2023" was held in the Cinematheque of the Republic of Macedonia, organized by SP BTR

Traditionally, for the 7th time, the Roma Children's Music Festival "Čhavorikano Suno 2023" - "Children's Dream 2023" was held in the premises of the Cinematheque of the Republic of Macedonia on April 27, 2023, starting at 10:00 a.m. in the organization of SP BTR Production.

At the festival program, 10 new children's Roma songs were presented, which were performed by Roma children and students from Skopje schools.

The whole festival passed in a cheerful atmosphere.

The songs were recorded in the studio of "Extrem Media" and the producer Rean Nezriović, and the texts are by Enis Muarem.

The director and organizer of the festival was Zoran Dimov, who at the end gave diplomas and other interesting prizes to all the participants.

At the same time, "Brača Ramiz i Hamid" OU deserved great thanks for the cooperation in the selection of child performers, as well as the class teacher Aleksandar Janchev.

Otherwise, the festival was financially supported by the Ministry of Culture of RNM.

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