Premiere of the new SP BTR documentary "Life at the Crossroads" coming soon

As part of its activities SP BTR Production is in the final post-production phase of the latest documentary film entitled "Life at the Crossroads".

The film tells the sad story of Gani Ademov's family and his everyday life.

It is a poor family consisting of five members, where the main protagonists are Gani Ademov, his unmarried wife Yuksela Abdioska and sons Sali (8), Ozgan (4) and the newborn Qemal.

They are forced to beg in the streets of Skopje. And apart from Ghani, none of them have personal identification documents and are deprived of all kinds of guaranteed rights.

The premiere is expected to be on June 1, 2023 as part of this year's "Golden Wheel 2023" film festival, which will be held for the 21st time from May 29 to June 1, 2023, organized by SP BTR. The director of this documentary is Zoran Dimov, while the script is by Zoran Dimov and Ramush Muarem – Cirkо.

The film, as well as the film festival, is financially supported by the Film Agency of the Republic of Macedonia

Link to the trailer



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