The play "Roma City" is based on the life story of Rita Prigmore and her late twin sister Rolanda

The Jochel Melanie Weiss family died in Nazi Germany because they were Sinti. This actress deals with this family trauma in the play "Roma City - City of the Free".

The play "Roma City" is based on the life story of Rita Prigmore and her late twin sister Rolanda. Rita is a member of the Sinti people and a Holocaust survivor. The topic is close to Joshla because her family was persecuted and killed. The Nazi regime shut down and isolated Sinti and Roma from society, many of whom were experimented with or deported to labor and concentration camps.

Joshla's grandfather was in Auschwitz. He managed to survive. Of the seven brothers and sisters, only one escaped. Her grandmother was in Camp Dachau and also survived. Joshla belongs to the third generation after Auschwitz. But the Nazi genocide of the Roma also left its mark.

The case with Joshla's family is not alone. But the consequences of the Nazi persecution of Roma and Sinti on future generations have not yet been fully explored.

At the end of the work, Joshla stands in the background. He looks directly at the audience and triumphantly says: "Did you know that the highest birth rate was in the post-war survival camps? You can not kill us. "You tried, but you did not succeed."


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