According to viewers, "Heaven Wheel Earth" irritates the viewer's sad emotions

The premiere of the documentary "Heaven, Wheel, Earth" is behind us, but the reactions of those who were part of the premiere on August 31 still do not subside.
According to the reactions, as they say, the film conveys the dramatic history of the Roma in a very calm way and in a calm tone, without this usual sadness, which occurs when watching a documentary about people who have suffered. Completely dignified and without attempt to further irritate the sad emotions of the viewer. From a spectator position, an unloading film.
At the same time, according to the other part, the viewer says that the documentary "Heaven, Wheel, Earth" visually presented the scientific explanation of the origin of the Roma. From the aspect of video production, they say that the story was successfully assembled through interesting visual effects as well as materials that were presented for the first time. They recommend the film to the general public in order to get acquainted with the history.

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