Roma artist from Belgium Durmish Kjazim with his own exhibition from January 19 to February 17

The renowned and recognized artist, currently working and living in Belgium, Durmish Kjazim, started the new 2019 successfully.
In the Belgian city of Anderlecht from January 19 to February 17 this year, he will have his own solo exhibition of his unpublished works so far.

They are in various forms, from portraits made in many painting techniques.
His artistic visuality is rich and substantial. By doing so, he once again proved that he is a top artist, who has been working for more than a decade in the profession that apparently worships him.

His professional career year after year goes upward, and with that activity he is eclipsed by a top artist

Expectations are that this exhibition will be visited and that he will not stand here, but will be the motive for his further successful career.

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