The Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency publishes the management report "Discrimination in Germany"

The Federal Commissioner against Anti-Gypsyism criticizes anti-Gypsyism in all areas of life

The recently published management report "Discrimination in Germany" by the Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency highlights the spread of various forms of discrimination in German society and bureaucratic institutions. Particular attention is paid to how existing advisory structures are used and how they can be improved.

As the Federal Government's Commissioner against Anti-Gypsyism, Dr. Mehmet Daimagüler emphasizes that any discussion of anti-Gypsyism takes place against the background of the National Socialist genocide. Discrimination in almost all areas of life is still part of the social norm and the reality of life for many Sinti and Roma. Discrimination by state institutions is a particular problem in this context - especially against this background, an amendment to the General Equal Treatment Act (AGG) is recommended and its extension to state institutions is long overdue.




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