Initiative A11: Roma rights are being violated in Vinca

The Initiative for Economic and Social Rights - A 11 announced today that Roma families displaced from the landfill in Vinča, as part of the project to rehabilitate the landfill and build an incinerator, continue to face human rights violations. As stated, the consequences of the project are the displacement of 17 Roma families who until 2018 lived in an informal settlement on the edge of the landfill and the loss of the only source of income for those households, which collected secondary raw materials on the site of the former landfill.

After the forced eviction in 2018, those families faced numerous difficulties and obstacles in order to secure a roof over their heads and any income to meet the basic needs of life. Faced with the ignoring and passivity of the city authorities in Belgrade, responsible for the implementation of displacement, the families decided to file a complaint at the end of 2019, with the support of Initiative A 11, to the Independent Mechanism for Project Responsibility of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), which financed the reconstruction project landfills.


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