According to the 2023 census, 9,813 Roma and 12,375 Egyptians live in Albania.

According to the results of the census published today by the Albanian institute for statistics INSTAT, there are 2,402,113 inhabitants in Albania.

Of them, the most numerous and dominant population are 2,186,917 Albanians, followed by 23,485 Greeks, 2,963 Bosniaks, 2,459 Vlachs, 2,281 Macedonians, 584 Serbs, and 511 Montenegrins. The rest are members of other ethnic groups or refused to declare themselves.

As for the Roma and Egyptians living in the territory of Albania, their number is 12,375 Egyptians and 9,813 Roma. With these numbers, they are in third and fourth place according to the number.

It is interesting that 13 years ago in the last census 5,512 Macedonians were registered and that number has now decreased by 58.6% in 2023.

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