Council of Europe: Serbia to tackle discrimination against Roma, LGBTI persons and hate speech

Serbia has made progress and good practices have been developed in several areas, but hate speech against Roma and other ethnic minorities, LGBTI communities and refugees and migrants is present in political and other public discourse, according to a new report by the European Commission. against racism and intolerance (ECRI) which was published today.

However, ECRI assesses that the de facto segregation of Roma in education is on the rise and that school attendance and completion rates are much lower for Roma children than for the general population, which is why the authorities need to take decisive action to eradicate all forms of such segregation. segregation.

The report states that the Social Card Law, adopted in 2021, and its implementation have raised serious questions about its impact on the most vulnerable groups of the population, especially the Roma, who are most deprived of social assistance.






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