Holocaust against Roma - a mark of the body of the world

In World War II, the Holocaust affected 200,000 to 1 million Roma. That was almost half of the population that was settled in Europe at that time.
It was not until 1982 that Germany recognized the Holocaust perpetrated against the Roma, and that had consequences.

After the Jews, Roma were second on the list of Nazi systematic extermination. The president of the Serbian Roma Holocaust Foundation, Rajko Djuric, says that despite all the Roma, they are still being persecuted:

"The suffering and pain of the Roma is a hallmark of the body of the world, and despite surviving the Holocaust, they are still being persecuted today. Every persecution, discrimination and violence is proof that the world still has not the heart and mind to embrace the truth about the Holocaust for the Roma Holocaust, ”Djuric says.

Most of the Roma who died were in Germany, in the then NDC. In addition, they were also killed in Poland, Italy, France, the Netherlands, Belgium, the Czech Republic. Slovakia, Serbia, the countries of the former USSR, Hungary, Romania, Greece, and even Switzerland and Sweden.

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