Montenegro: The flats for Roma and Egyptians did not need to be built in places known as ghetto

Buffy said that real inclusion is not possible until the moment when Roma, Montenegrins, Serbs and others live in the same building and on the same street.

In Montenegro, apartments for Roma and Egyptians were not needed to be built in parts of the city known as the ghetto, a place where members of that nation live, according to the project coordinator in the Roma Youth Organization "Phiren amenca" Serjijan Bafijari.

"Montenegro has clearly expressed anti-historical historical discrimination that expresses stigmatization," says Bafiari.

He said that in Montenegro, a state that is multicultural and multicultural, and with the fact that it is the 21st century, it is necessary to ensure everyone's respect and human dignity that continues to be violated on the basis of Roma nationality.

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